Stepping Stones Intervention Services, Inc.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (Occupations). Common Occupational Therapy interventions include helping children or adults with disabilities to participate fully across all settings, helping people recover from injury to regain skills, and provide supports to adults experiencing physical and cognitive changes. Occupational Therapy enables individuals to achieve a higher level of independence through remediation skills, adaptive skills or compensatory skills. Candidates for Occupational Therapy services most likely have a physical, mental/cognitive, or developmental impairment that prevents them from performing at their maximum potential or level of independence during daily life, school, work or during play. Children learn through play and exploring their environment. Early intervention is key to building a strong foundation for critical basic skills of life.
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Occupational Therapy help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (Occupations). Common Occupational Therapy interventions include helping children or adults with disabilities to participate fully across all settings, helping people recover from injury to regain skills, and provide supports to adults experiencing physical and cognitive changes. Occupational Therapy enables individuals to achieve a higher level of independence through remediation skills, adaptive skills or compensatory skills. Candidates for Occupational Therapy services most likely have a physical, mental/cognitive, or developmental impairment that prevents them from performing at their maximum potential or level of independence during daily life, school, work or during play. Children learn through play and exploring their environment. Early intervention is key to building a strong foundation for critical basic skills of life.
Pediatric Occupational Therapy services typically address the following areas:
* Early Intervention
* Fine & Gross Motor Skills
* Sensory Processing Skills
* ADL/IADL/Self Care Management Skills (Dressing, Meal Preparation, Home Safety, Community Safety, Transfer Training, Adaptive Equipment Training)
* Shoulder and Hand Rehabilitation
* Orthotic Fitting & Training
* Home Modification Assessments for Fall Prevention & Safety
* Stroke Rehab
* Pre-Handwriting Readiness and Handwriting Skills
Individuals Who Could Benefit From Occupational Therapy Services may have the following:
* Autism Specturm Disorders * Cerebral Palsy
* Coordination Disorders * Developmental Delays
* Genetic Disorders * Oral Motor Delays
* Auditory ProcessingDisorders * Feeding Difficulties
* Traumatic Brain Injuries * ADHD/ADD
* Limted strength in upper extremities
* Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)