Stepping Stones Intervention Services, Inc.
Educational Advocacy Program
What is an educational advocate?
An educational advocate is a professional who works with the family, the student, the school and all other relevant professionals to assure that each student receives the appropriate education necessary to optimize his/her opportunity to achieve to the highest level of his/her potential.
An IEP (Individualized Education Program) is a commitment in writing of the resources the school agrees to provide based upon the individual needs of each student. Periodic reviews of the IEP serve as an evaluation of the student's progress toward meeting educational goals and objectives.
As advocates, we represent the student and family in obtaining the best possible modifications,
accommodations or auxiliary aids that will support the student in participating in and benefiting from all educational programs and activities. In addition, we work with families and schools in assuring that the appropriate assessments are used to determine a student’s current level of educational performance, and that an education plan is solidly based on the needs of the student.
Creating the best educational plan for your child requires a set of decisions which will last a lifetime. The guidance and expertise of a professional advocate is instrumental to getting the job done right whether through an IEP or a 504 Plan. Through an intuitive understanding of kids from a dynamic approach to intervention, our practice supports partnership and collaboration based upon years of experience as an Advocate, Consultant, Principal, Teacher, Coordinator, and Parent. Most notably, our work creates a bridge between home and school in these critical times. The measure of our success is guided by mutual understanding, collaboration and strength-based interventions. Nationally recognized as one of the leading special needs resources, our expertise is based upon complex case work including: Autism, ADHD/ADD, Behavior Intervention, Specific Learning Disabilities and Gifted Education. Consider this, if you have been down this path for years, and have experienced frustration, just know, you have finally found a resource which can make a difference for you and your child! On the other hand, if you are just starting out on the special needs course, you will appreciate the guidance and support available through our services for no one should ever go it alone!
Client Advocacy Program
Stepping Stones Intervention Services Client Advocacy Program’s mission is to provide educational advocacy for families and their children or young adults with disabilities or special needs from grade school through young adulthood. Our goal is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children with special needs and their families. Our Advocacy Program also provides educators and other professionals who work with students with special needs with consultation on innovative techniques and interventions to help them reach their full potential.
Special Needs Child Defined:
Children with special needs are children with a variety of different disabilities, health and mental health conditions that require special intervention, services, or support. This definition also includes students who are “at-risk” for developing special needs and have not been identified or diagnosed.
Our Client Advocacy Program Includes:
Individual Assistance
Interpretation of IEP’s
Advocacy during Student Support Team (SST) meetings (pending)
Advocacy during Individual Educational Plan (IEP) meetings (pending)
Parent Education (main focus)
IEP 101: Helping Parents Understanding the IEP Process
How to Help Your Child Succeed at School
Understanding Your Child’s Social-Emotional Needs
Classroom Management
Understanding Your Students’ Social-Emotional Needs
Helping School Connect with Families and Communities
Parenting Children with Behavioral Problems
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